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Dental Service

Zirconia  |  Emax  |  Implants  |  Bonded/Gold  |  Cad Cam  |  Prosthetics  |  Orthodontics  |  Sports  |  Dentures/Chrome  |  Kiori  |  Dentuvo  | 

Cad Cam

Precedental were one of the first Laboratories in the UK to invest in a digital scanner and milling machine back in 2005. Since then we have been market leaders in digitizing our workflow

Today, 90% of dentists still use the traditional method for creating an impression with unpleasant impression materials and trays that often cause patients to gag. We believe it is time for a better patient experience. We believe now is the time for dentistry to go digital.

For years, dentistry was behind in terms of technology. While other medical specialties advanced into the digital realm and improved their efficiencies and patient satisfaction, dental technology remained stagnant due to slowly evolving solutions and high cost barriers.

Precedental are now able to receive and process scans from all major intraoral scanners such as 3Shape TRIOS® , Sirona CEREC®, and Cadent iTero™. This includes any scanning machine that produces digital impressions in STL open format. We can accept and process digital orders for a wide variety of treatments - restorations (all ceramics, full metal and porcelain fused to metal crown and bridges), removable prosthodontics and implants.

Advantages of Digital CAD/CAM Dentistry over Traditional Analogue Dental Work:

  • Improved efficiency in both cost & time when sending work digitally
  • Improved accuracy thanks to cutting-edge scanning and milling technology
  • Ability to verify aesthetics, occlusion and fit before definitive restoration is fabricated
  • Improved predictability and quality of outcomes
  • Improved in-chair comfort for patients during impression taking
  • Great real-time education and feedback tool for dentists about their work
  • Digital storage of models

Our Digital Workflow

The entire workflow of dental restorations can be supported by digital technology. The digital workflow starts with a digital impression with an intraoral scanner. The dentist can personally design the dental restorations digitally using CAD software and then email the design to us for milling. Alternatively, the dentist can order a restoration from Precedental by direct transmission of a digitally produced impression, which is sent electronically.

Analogue impressions sent to the laboratory can also be incorporated into the digital workflow. Using CAD/CAM technology, Precedental can then produce a 3D printed model (instead of a manually produced plaster model).

Whether analogue or digital transmission of information occurs, the CAD/CAM process in the laboratory allows high quality, accurate restorations to be produced quickly and efficiently.

Note: Digital files allow the dentist and the laboratory to store information for future reference.


Please call or email us for further details:
01384 444 656


We are specialists in the following dental services. Please click an option below for full details:






Cad Cam





Kiori - ALS Dental

Dentuvo - ALS Dental